Making your own sensory bin can be a fun way to change things up! This one was super easy to make and was perfect for holiday sensory fun.
What you need to get started
paper towel rolls
large box (the ones from costco work great!)
paint and paintbrushes
I started off by painting a Christmas tree inside the box. I like using the crayola acrylic paints as they are vibrant and dry quickly. As it dried I cut up a paper towel roll to use as "ornaments" for the tree. Once it dried I hot glued the paper towel circles all over the tree.
Then it's time to play! Grab your sensory fillers and go crazy!! Have your child fill the ornaments up with different colors or however they would like to play. We chose to use red and white colored chickpeas with some snowflakes added in.
To make the colored chickpeas you need
bagged chickpeas
ziploc bag
Making colored chickpeas is very easy. Pourr the chickpeas into a ziploc bag and then coat with paint. Shake it around until they are colored to your liking. You can open the bag to air dry or lay them out on parchment paper to dry. I personally like to lay them out as I feel they dry faster that way. The snowflakes were found at Michaels craft store. I usually set this up in whatever tray I can find around the kitchen.
*Always supervise with small pieces
*Need wooden scooping tools? Chickadeeswoodentoys has some great ones!
*Looking for other sensory fun? Check us out on instagram!